Boardgames are undergoing a little resurgence now, as gamer culture spreads into the mainstream. A game night is a great low-key way to get together with friends over food and drinks and have some fun without staring at the idiot box. You need to select games that can be played by four or more players and won’t take many hours to complete like Monopoly or Risk. Here are a few never-fail games to play in groups.

Balderdash. This classic game of bluffing and vocabulary gets funnier the more people are playing, as players try to fake each other out with fictional definitions for real words.

Settlers Of Catan. This strategy game is a little bit nerdy, but give people time to get into it and you’ll be amazed at the rivalries that develop. A classic players return to time and time again.

Cranium. This innovative party game is a sort of mixture of several classics, including Charades and Pictionary. It’s great for involving groups and can tap a large amount of hidden skills.