Being a good listener is a very important trait in maintaining friendships or building trusting business relationships, and it helps you to learn interesting things about other people, as well. Here are a few tips for how you can learn to be a better listener in everyday conversations.

  1. Control your body language. It may seem unnoticeable, but the things that you do with your hands or eyes in a conversation can make all the difference. Avoid looking around the room, fidgeting with your hands, or checking your phone. Be sure to always make gentle eye contact with the other person, and lean slightly forward to let him or her know that you’re engaged.
  2. Concentrate on the conversation. Clear your mind before the talk begins to resist making assumptions or, worse yet, thinking of other things instead of really listening. This will enable you to really hear what the other person is saying.
  3. Ask open-ended questions. Don’t interrupt the other person, but when the conversation starts to lull it’s helpful to ask a question that will make him or her feel encouraged to share more. Say things like “tell me more” or “how do you feel about that?” in order to show your interest.

7 Tips to Become a Better Listener [PsychCentral]
5 Ways to Be a Better Listener [Entrepreneur]
5 Simple Ways to Be a Better Listener [Lifehack]